Download Minecraft PE 0.14.0 APK for Android. Version 0.14.0 is a major update to Pocket Edition, introducing several new features and bug fixes.
New Features:
- Rendering: New item rendering system.
- Main Menu: Updated UI and achievement system.
- Creative Mode: Survival tabs added.
- Skins: New Redstone Specialists and Journey To The West skin packs.
- Redstone Items: Added comparators, repeaters, dispensers, droppers, hoppers, and trapped chests.
- Blocks: Added red sandstone variants, slime blocks, and camera (unavailable without mods).
- Mobs: Witches now spawn naturally.
- Blocks: Leather armor can now be dyed, and double chests now have the correct shape.
- Mobs: Baby zombies have a 15% chance of spawning as jockeys. Villagers struck by lightning turn into witches.
- Over 67 bugs fixed, including various texture and rendering issues.