MCPELIFE.COM / Textures / Utility UI Texture Pack for Minecraft PE
Utility UI Texture Pack for Minecraft PE

Utility UI Texture Pack for Minecraft PE



Download Utility UI Textures (Bedrock Tweaks) and improve the GUI and gameplay in Minecraft PE on Android. The add-on is designed to provide convenience and customization: the package offers a number of small, but effective modifications that simplify menu navigation and backpack management.

Simple buttons, quality of life changes and other cool stuff will make the process more fun.

Main features

  • Messages of player’s death in chatbox are highlighted in red;
  • simplified the appearance of messages;
  • improved the names and color of enchantments and items;
  • many small updates.

Download Utility UI Texture Pack

  • 1.19 - 1.20+

[676.49 KB]

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