MCPELIFE.COM / Textures / Textures: Memastic
Textures: Memastic

Textures: Memastic



Memastic textures have collected all kinds of memes in one assembly. Now you can put pictures with popular memes in Minecraft. Each user will have pictures in their homes with the most favorite jokes and characters that are familiar to almost every Internet user. The build is easy to install and works on all versions of the game. The creation includes 26 types of paintings.

Paintings 4 by 4

Paintings 4 by 3

Paintings 4 by 2

Paintings 2 by 2

Paintings 2 by 1

Paintings 1 by 2

1-by-1 images are also available.


Download the map Memastic (.mcpack)


[1.07 Mb]

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