The New Player Animation mod introduces new textures and animations for the character in Minecraft, which include: movement, flight, riding mobs, running and so on. With the help of new features, the character will look and behave much more realistic. The developer himself especially liked the new style of running, in which the player bends slightly and rushes forward.
We hope that the new animations will make you reconsider your view of the game: you will begin to evaluate the fullness and possibilities of the block world even more.



The sneak button

Moving stealthily




Running with an iron sword

Running with a golden sword

Running with a diamond sword

Running with a trident

Running with sword and shield

Running with a trident and a shield

Running in diamond armor

Running in non-cerite armor

The sneak button with an iron sword

The sneak button with the diamond sword

The sneak button with a trident

Sneak button with sword and shield

Sword and Shield

The sneak button with a shield

Putting on a cape
Changes in the new version
- Lots of new animations
- More Easter eggs
- Custom Skins
- Fixed bugs