Download Minecraft PE APK for Android! The test version of Minecraft on Android was released on January 10, 2019! As always, the beta version has its limitations.
A little bit about what has been fixed, besides the standard Minecraft rollouts:
- Dinosaurs can now attack players in Minecraft on the Dinosaur Island map.
- Improved texture anti-aliasing.
- Archers now raise their weapons correctly in A Nightmare in Candyworld.
- Fixed a bug that caused items to be lost if a player’s inventory in Minecraft 1.9.0 is full.
- Loading content marketplace again works without glitches.
- On the map “Infinity Plumber” in Minecraft on Android signs correctly show text.
- Pandas have gotten even better and now hold their food as they should while eating.
- Once again, players will be able to connect to games that previously had multiplayer mode disabled.
- Fixed the location of Pigman’s hands in the Mutant Battle Arena pack for Minecraft
- Minecraft on android will now not crash when loading worlds.
- Taiga biomes are now generated correctly.
- Sheep and cats no longer appear black after post-spawn.
- Fixed Myne crashing after exiting settings.
- Shulkers no longer turn black when attacking players.