Download Minecraft PE 1.21.70 APK
Download Minecraft PE APK Spring to Life Update for Android.The developers have released the full version of Minecraft on Android. In this update added warm and cold types of mobs, new types of vegetation, changed the icons of Spawn Eggs and much more.
Warm and cold mobs
Divide peaceful mobs into 3 types. Important:
- New Chicken Species
- Added Warm and Cold chickens
- Appear depending on the biome
- Warm chickens have Brown eggs.
- Cold ones have Blue eggs
- New Piggies – Warm and Cold.
- Unique textures and geometry
- Cold ones appear in cold biomes and Warm ones appear in warm biomes
- Normal Pigs appear in neutral biomes
Spawn eggs
Changed icons. Features:
- Improved the icons of each item
- Each icon corresponds to a mob
- The spawn egg conveys the personality and character of the mob
- Eggs vary in shape depending on the size of the mob
The Cartographer and the Traveling Merchant
Balanced Trade. Main:
- Cartographer
- Sells 7 Maps, each pointing to a different village or other structures in a different biome
- Cartographers from different village types will sell a different assortment of Maps and Flags
- Traveling merchant
- Better prices
- More goods
- Will buy basic supplies from players for Emeralds
- Water bottle
- Bucket of water
- Bucket of milk
- Cooked spider eye.
- Baked potato
- Hay
- Added new products
- Wood
- Enchanted Stone Pickaxe
- Invisibility potion
New features
A lot of new stuff has been added. Main:
- Dry Leaves
- Generated in forests
- Different numbers of leaves appear on blocks
- By adding Dry Leaves to Dry Leaves, you can increase the number of leaves
- Can be obtained by melting Leaves
- Used as fuel in the Furnace
- Unique sounds
- Wildflowers
- Generated in forests
- Different numbers of flowers appear on blocks
- By adding Field Flowers to Field Flowers, the number of colors can be increased
- Yellow dye can be created
- Short grass grows less frequently in the Meadows
- Shrub
- New ornamental block
- Can be used in a Composter
- Applying Bone Dust creates another Shrub
- Firefly bush
- Emits firefly particles
- Illuminates space
- Applying Bone Flour results in the drop of Firefly Bush
- Appears in the Swamps
- New types of Cows
- Warm and Cold Cows added
- Appear depending on the biome
- New sounds for Mesa and Desert
- Added new atmospheric sounds for Dead Bushes, Sand, Red Sand and Terracotta
Cactus flower
A new type of flower. Main:
- Grows on Cacti in Deserts and Badlands
- Can be placed on a Cactus or on any block above with a center support
- Growth depends on the height of the Cactus
- Appears with a 10% chance instead of growing on a 1-2 block tall Cactus.
- Appears with a 25% chance instead of a 3-block-high Cactus.
- Can be used in the Composter
- Crafted into Pink Dye
Dry grass
A new type of grass. Features:
- Two types: Short and Tall
- Both types have a height of 1 block
- Appear in the Deserts and Wastelands of Minecraft
- Set on Sand, Terracotta and Mud
- Bone Meal
- Grows Short Dry Grass to Tall Grass
- Creates Short Dry Grass when applied to High.
- Can be used in the Composter
- Sheep grow wool when eaten
- Can be used as Fuel
Colors now depend on the biome. Properties:
- Moderate biomes
- The usual color is white
- Uncommon colors: black, gray, light gray and brown
- Rare color – pink
- Cold biomes
- The usual color is black
- Uncommon colors: light gray, light blue, blue and blue
- Rare color – pink
- Warm biomes
- The usual color is brown
- Uncommon colors: gray, yellow, orange and red
- Rare color – pink
Made 28 changes. Important:
- Achievements work even when adding mods
- Transferred everything from beta
- Added 6 new sounds for Wolves
Fixed bugs
Fixed 50 bugs. Main:
- Everything from the test parts
Technical changes
- Added 173 technical changes for addon development and testing.
Xbox + Servers
- Working Xbox Live
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Free login to your Xbox Live account is available. No restrictions.
- Working servers without Xbox Live
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To log in to the server, you no longer need to log in to your Xbox Live account. You can simply change your nickname and start the game on the server.
[500.89 MB]
Xbox + Servers - Without music
- Cut music to reduce file size
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Cut out music to reduce the weight of the game. Everything works as before, there's just not some music.
- Working Xbox Live
More detailed
Free login to your Xbox Live account is available. No restrictions.
- Working servers without Xbox Live
More detailed
To log in to the server, you no longer need to log in to your Xbox Live account. You can simply change your nickname and start the game on the server.
[243.65 MB]
Clone with Xbox Live support
- Working Xbox Live
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Free login to your Xbox Live account is available. No restrictions.
- Cloned assembly
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A clone is a game client that can be installed simultaneously with the main client. You can install two Minecraft at once.
- Working servers without Xbox Live
More detailed
To log in to the server, you no longer need to log in to your Xbox Live account. You can simply change your nickname and start the game on the server.
[500.89 MB]
Clone with Xbox Live support - Without music
- Cut music to reduce file size
More detailed
Cut out music to reduce the weight of the game. Everything works as before, there's just not some music.
- Working Xbox Live
More detailed
Free login to your Xbox Live account is available. No restrictions.
- Cloned assembly
More detailed
A clone is a game client that can be installed simultaneously with the main client. You can install two Minecraft at once.
- Working servers without Xbox Live
More detailed
To log in to the server, you no longer need to log in to your Xbox Live account. You can simply change your nickname and start the game on the server.
[243.65 MB]
Version for arm64-v8a
- Working Xbox Live
More detailed
Free login to your Xbox Live account is available. No restrictions.
- Working servers without Xbox Live
More detailed
To log in to the server, you no longer need to log in to your Xbox Live account. You can simply change your nickname and start the game on the server.
- Support for arm64-v8a architecture
More detailed
Option for processors on the arm64-v8a architecture. If you don't know what it is, chances are you want the regular version.
[509.47 MB]
Version for arm64-v8a - Without music
- Cut music to reduce file size
More detailed
Cut out music to reduce the weight of the game. Everything works as before, there's just not some music.
- Working Xbox Live
More detailed
Free login to your Xbox Live account is available. No restrictions.
- Working servers without Xbox Live
More detailed
To log in to the server, you no longer need to log in to your Xbox Live account. You can simply change your nickname and start the game on the server.
- Support for arm64-v8a architecture
More detailed
Option for processors on the arm64-v8a architecture. If you don't know what it is, chances are you want the regular version.
[252.23 MB]
Clone for arm64-v8 with Xbox Live support
- Working Xbox Live
More detailed
Free login to your Xbox Live account is available. No restrictions.
- Working servers without Xbox Live
More detailed
To log in to the server, you no longer need to log in to your Xbox Live account. You can simply change your nickname and start the game on the server.
- Support for arm64-v8a architecture
More detailed
Option for processors on the arm64-v8a architecture. If you don't know what it is, chances are you want the regular version.
[509.47 MB]
Clone for arm64-v8 with Xbox Live support - Without music
- Cut music to reduce file size
More detailed
Cut out music to reduce the weight of the game. Everything works as before, there's just not some music.
- Working Xbox Live
More detailed
Free login to your Xbox Live account is available. No restrictions.
- Working servers without Xbox Live
More detailed
To log in to the server, you no longer need to log in to your Xbox Live account. You can simply change your nickname and start the game on the server.
- Support for arm64-v8a architecture
More detailed
Option for processors on the arm64-v8a architecture. If you don't know what it is, chances are you want the regular version.
[252.23 MB]
Version for x86
- Working Xbox Live
More detailed
Free login to your Xbox Live account is available. No restrictions.
- Support for x86 architecture
More detailed
Support for the x86 architecture is needed for phones based on Intel processors and for playing on emulators. If you don't know what it is, chances are you want the regular version.
[514.87 MB]
Version for x86_64
- Working Xbox Live
More detailed
Free login to your Xbox Live account is available. No restrictions.
- Support for x86 architecture
More detailed
Support for the x86 architecture is needed for phones based on Intel processors and for playing on emulators. If you don't know what it is, chances are you want the regular version.
[514.84 MB]
Original (IPA) for iOS/iPhone/iPad
is this the spring to life update?
Does not update
Hola, descargué la versión para conectarme con los servidores y no me deja ni iniciar sesión. Saben por qué???
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