Download Minecraft PE APK for Android! The update made 25 changes to “Caves and Rocks” and fixed 15 bugs.
Experimental changes
Made 4 experimental changes to the Caves and Rocks update:
- Added a warning if the player loads the old experimental world in the new version
- Added a label indicating that the world is experimental
- Added a description of experimental functions on the world creation screen
- Added Lava caves
Also, 21 more changes were made to the Minecraft update. A few major changes:
- Axolotl no longer attacks invisible mobs
- Updated Axolotl textures
- Divorced axolotls no longer change color in the bucket
- Amethyst geodes are generated less frequently
- Mobs can again look for a way near the droppers
- Stairs, vines and fire can no longer be installed on Loose snow
- Added a hint for using a Spyglass
- Azalea can again be fertilized with bone meal if it grows on a moss block
Fixed bugs
Fixed 15 bugs. List of major changes:
- When the Skeleton turns into a Zymogor, the corresponding sounds are made
- The Desiccant no longer takes damage from Loose snow
- Bees no longer collect nectar from sweet berry bushes
- Fixed a bug that prevented bees from entering the hive or nest
- The correct block is dropped from iron and gold ore
- For the joystick, pop-up hints were added:
– “Collect lava from the boiler with a bucket”
– “Collect Loose snow with a bucket”
– “Pour lava into the boiler from the bucket”
– “Pour Loose snow into the boiler from the bucket”
Technical changes
The developers have made 10 technical changes. Fixed numerous crashes and improved client stability.