MCPELIFE.COM / Download / MCPE 1.14 / Minecraft 1.14.0
Minecraft 1.14.0

Minecraft 1.14.0

Release version MCPE 1.14.0 for Android. Get it for free



Download Minecraft PE 1.14.0 APK for Android with a working xbox live account!

Honey Update

The honey update was first released in, you can find a description of the innovations in the main article. Most likely, you are not interested in this, but Minecraft Bedrock was released on PS4.

Briefly about the main

Thing, the release of “Buzzy Bees” added a lot of sticky and sweet features to the game:


  • Neutral
  • Collect honey
  • Pollinate plants
  • They live in hives
  • They ‘ll tear up for the brothers
  • They die 50-60 seconds after the bite

Beehives and nests

  • Crafting
  • Generated in flower forests and plains
  • Can accommodate up to 3 bees
  • You can collect honeycombs
  • You can collect honey

Honey Items

Honey and honeycombs have been added to the game along with bees. The most interesting innovation is Honey Blocks:

  • Honey blocks
    – Reduce the speed of movement
    – Reduce the height of the jump
    – You can slide along the wall of honey blocks
    – Sticks to adjacent blocks
  • Cell Blocks
  • Bottles
  • Of Honeycomb honey

Mechanisms made of honey blocks

Honey blocks allow you to build many amazing mechanisms. Among them are such as:

  • Conveyor
  • Elevator made of honey blocks
  • Flying platform
  • Secret passage
  • A zombie trap

Fixed bugs

41 bugs have been fixed in the release. The game client has been optimized, errors and problems with logging into Xbox Live have been fixed. The first bugs have already been noticed in 1.14.0, follow the news.

Download Minecraft 1.14.0

Xbox + Servers + Skins

Version 1.14.0

  • Working Xbox Live

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    Free login to your Xbox Live account is available. No restrictions.

  • Free Skin Editor

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    All paid skin items are now available for free. Try on the item you like, it will be saved on your skin automatically.

  • Working servers without Xbox Live

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    To log in to the server, you no longer need to log in to your Xbox Live account. You can simply change your nickname and start the game on the server.


[90 Mb]

Clone with Xbox Live support

Version 1.14.0

  • Working Xbox Live

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    Free login to your Xbox Live account is available. No restrictions.

  • Cloned assembly

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    A clone is a game client that can be installed simultaneously with the main client. You can install two Minecraft at once.

  • Free Skin Editor

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    All paid skin items are now available for free. Try on the item you like, it will be saved on your skin automatically.

  • Working servers without Xbox Live

    More detailed

    To log in to the server, you no longer need to log in to your Xbox Live account. You can simply change your nickname and start the game on the server.


[86.66 Mb]

Version for x86

Version 1.14.0

  • Working Xbox Live

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    Free login to your Xbox Live account is available. No restrictions.

  • Support for x86 architecture

    More detailed

    Support for the x86 architecture is needed for phones based on Intel processors and for playing on emulators. If you don't know what it is, chances are you want the regular version.


[93.64 Mb]

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