MCPELIFE.COM / Maps / Earth Map for Minecraft PE
Earth Map for Minecraft PE

Download Earth Map for Minecraft PE APK



Download Earth Map for Minecraf PE on Android and experience a huge project that has been developed for many years. The map of planet Earth for Minecraft is considered one of the largest in scale and number of blocks (scale 1:1500, 16200 by 32400 blocks).

However, it is not just an empty piece of earth resembling the shape of a planet. Players can explore caves, dungeons, treasure houses and discover ore in the ground. Settle on any continent and create a civilization. Players can download the Earth map for Minecraft and settle in the cold Antarctica or the scorching Sahara desert, on the highest Everest or on the site of Moscow.

Such projects are the result of a lot of labor. We recommend downloading and playing on the map of Minecraft Earth. Random generation of worlds this is certainly good, but what could be more interesting than to walk around the planet, albeit in a world consisting of cubes?

Download Earth Map

  • 1.16.0 - 1.20.32

[625.21 MB]

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I really like this map ris was really wonderful