MCPELIFE.COM / Mods / Weapon / Beyond’s 3D Weapons Addon for Minecraft PE
Beyond’s 3D Weapons Addon for Minecraft PE

Beyond’s 3D Weapons Addon for Minecraft PE



Download Beyond’s 3D Weapons Addon for Minecraft PE on Android to subject the cube hit’s combat system to a massive upgrade. The add-on contains a variety of Medieval weapons with elaborate 3D models. Each tool not only deals high damage, but also has exceptional capabilities.

Circus Sword

  • Damage: 3
  • Fires explosive projectiles

Circus Hat

  • Explosive projectiles will fly farther and explode in a larger radius when wearing the Hat

Basic Hammer

  • Can be improved

  • Basic hammer with lightning

  • Basic Miner’s Hammer

  • Basic Hammer of Slowdown

  • Steel ingot

Skull Wand

  • Poison
  • Gives a random magic item
  • Crouching and interacting imposes Invisibility

New structures


  • Gives infinite effect

Reinforced Neserite Sword

  • Level 1: When interacting, sets enemies within a 6 block radius on fire
  • Level 2: fire aspect and immunity to fire
  • Level 3: Can fly when crouching

Download Beyond's 3D Weapons Addon

  • 1.20.50 - 1.20.70

[222.91 KB]

Download Beyond's 3D Weapons Addon (Textures)

  • 1.20.50 - 1.20.70

[329.90 KB]

Supported versions
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